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HELP MATH for ELL and Special Needs Students
Web-based intervention students grades 3-8

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Research-based ESL math sheltered instruction that’s proven successful in improving AYP! Four years of gold standard research demonstrates that ESL students using HELP Math For ELL for three months increase test scores by over 40% in math and English/ELA proficiency!

Developed according to the principles of Sheltered Instruction and SIOP (Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol).

HELP Math For ELL scaffolds student learning by embedding these research-based techniques within the lessons.

Over 200 hours of standards-aligned content and lessons, covering grades 3 - 8.

HELP Math includes instructional materials, games, activities, formative and summative assessments, proven to increase comprehension, math and English skills, and test scores.

HELP Math for ELL software is effective for all students, including ESL, special education and other students in grades 3-8 who need to develop academic vocabulary and background math knowledge. HELP Math is also demonstrated to work with high school students who need to develop their foundational knowledge to succeed at grade level.

Schools use HELP Math to ensure their ESL students meet state standards, NCTM principles and NCLB requirements.

"Latest News"

HELP Math CODiE Winner 2010



Help Math Diagnostic-Prescriptive Tool to Provide Differentiation

HELP Boosts Student Math Achievement - Watch Video

The H.E.L.P. project is partially funded by the U.S. Department of Education.
46% of this project is funded by the U.S. Department of Education. 54% of the project is funded by non-federal funds.

Copyright 2010 Digital Directions International, Inc. All rights reserved.

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